Thursday, December 07, 2006

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Prom was SUPER boring.
The emcee was horridly cheesy,
the food wasn't great such that I only ate 3 out of 8 courses.
At least I got to look like a rockstar for the day:),
and go to see everyone all dressed up.
I totally loved my hair,
which became a horrid mess in the end:(.
But ronald got the punk look that i was covetting for,
without, of course,
missing the chance to get me to cut my hair short.

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Went to MOS instead of vj's party at DXO.
It was pretty fun
but I'm dead tired now
and on the verge of losing my voice
from having to talk loudly there.
Towards the end
only leo lik and me were left dancing
while the rest sat and talked.
Francesca's group joined us on the dancefloor too.
Left when the club closed at 430a.m.

Oi and alex came to my house,
slept abit,
ate Mac's breakfast at j8,
met with andy to take the goodie bags
which we left in his room.
Met xin and mag on my way home.
Slept till 340pm.

prom pictures are found --->HERE<---

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